Monday, August 18, 2008


Thursday, August 14th Emma was over at my mom's house (Gigi's) and she had a run in with a coffee table. You can tell by the quality of the photo that I can't get her to sit still for 2.2 seconds so this is the best photo I could get. We ended up at a Nextcare facility where they decided that glueing the wound together would be the least damaging. She was such a brave soul. The doc was putting the glue in her wound and her little eyes were were mine! She sat up and said, "Thank you Doctor!"
Aunty Marcie also reminded me that about what she said to me the next morning. She was going potty and I was looking at her face to see the damage. She said "Don't worry mama!" Too cute!


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, I about teared up reading this! What a brave girl! Her comment was super cute :).

Doe Family said...

You forgot her comment.. "Din't worry mama.."

ugh! love that sweet girl!!!