Monday, June 23, 2008

Pancake Party for the Big Sister!!!!

Here is when Alexis first got to see her little is the whole family:)

Devin Patrick

Here's Devin!!!

Born on June 21st at 6:02am. He was around 6 lbs and 21 inches long. He is gorgeous and Erin rocks!!! She is doing so well. They moved back home today from the hospital so we are all excited to see him in his new surroundings. We got to have Alexis the big sis with us all weekend which was great!

Emma teaches Sophia what she learned at school

Here is yet another edition of Sophia and Emma hanging out!

Sophia was over on Sunday morning so we got out Emma's walker. She rolled all over the place. Emma loved it because it gave her a captive audience. Here she is singing and teaching Sophia what she has learned at school.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Beautiful Girl

Emma loves to lay down and play "nigh night" after a hard day of playing the water. She gets her towel and lays down in the grass on her blanket. Such a pretty girl!!!

Emma and Java play in the water

We bought this ball last year. I brought it out again a few weeks ago so Java and Emma could play in the water. She loves to plug up the spouts. It's 110 degrees here today so I'm not too sure when we'll be using it again. Possibly at midnight when it's only 90 degrees???

Emma Goes Potty!

Emma started potty training on the 7th of June. I can't figure out how to turn the picture around, but you get the picture right? She comes out everytime expected huge amount of applause and fan fare. She deserves it if she gets out of diapers! :) She has Ariel on her undies and she says, "Don't get Ariel wet!"

Emma and "phia" take a bath together:)

Marcie and I love to put the girls in the bath together. On Sunday mornings we've been driving to church together and it's the cutest thing listening to them banter back and forth. The interaction between the girls is so much fun to watch. We are anxiously awaiting Baby Finnin. He is due June 25th. The poor boy is going to be surrounded by girls...just like his daddy!

I went to Atlantic City at the end of May for work. The night before I left I needed to have a "first" so I made homemade cookies so we could dip them in milk. She loved it and so did Steve and I. She should do a commercial for milk!

Emm-A-Nese funny! She speaks in her own
language and now she has all of the hand gestures to match....enjoy!
Auntie "Eh Eh" (Erin) is keeping the conversation going. Audrey, Aunt Christy, "Monkey" (Becky), and Alexis were all here to witness the most Emm-A-Nese we've ever seen! She is a crack up!